Voices of freedom

1.0 credit 

Prerequisite: Audition and permission of instructor. 


The purpose of McCaskey Voice of Freedom: African-American Roots and Secular Impact of Gospel Music is to provide an opportunity for students to experience a style of musical and vocal expression authentic to the style.  The roots of gospel music are deeply seeded in American history, and gospel music also celebrates the diversity of our culture today through dynamic expression. The course exposes students to the African-American roots of gospel music, and the secular influence of gospel music on the fabric of American music, society and culture. This course reflects no particular faith or denominational practice. 


President - Cindy Reyes

Co-Vice Presidents  - Destinye Hurdle & Kaydence Canty

Secretary - Anabelle Gauthier

Librarian - Liana Samuel

Treasurer - Zyaire Vidal